It’s another WTF Wednesday under the TrumpMusk regime, and there’s plenty of insanity going on to talk about. But today I want to focus on a pet project of mine where I call Republican members of Congress to ask them questions in my never-ending pursuit of the truth.
When adjudicated rapist and convicted felon Friend of Jeffrey Epstein Donald Trump gave international sex-trafficking rapists Andrew and Tristan Tate safe harbor in Florida late last month, the alleged “pro-life” party was mostly silent, save for a few detractors. It’s not a great feeling to be on the same side with Ron DeSantis, but in this case, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Also, Trump and Andrew Tate have something else in common besides being sexual predators. *adjusts halo*
So many delicate rapey snowflake losers. SO MANY.
Anyway, soon after the story broke, the self-avowed “protector of women” was given yet another pass from the media as he kept flinging more poo from his loaded diaper all over the walls of the Oval Office, so the story disappeared.
Except from my memory, because it bothers me to watch rapists get away with rape, especially when they’re also raping children. It bothers me even more when Republican women refuse to hold Dear Leader accountable and instead tweet bullshit like “President Trump protects women!” when he doesn’t protect anyone except himself and Daddy Vlad.
I’m mostly referring to Nancy Mace of South Carolina, who’s made a name for herself with performative transphobia and other outrageous behavior on the House floor and Twitter.
Which is weird, because not that long ago, Nancy identified as an LGBTQ ally who was “pro-transgender rights.” I guess being an opportunistic climber was more important once Nancy got the MAGA memo, because she’s gone beyond the normal hate speech to verbally attacking Rep. Sarah McBride, our first openly trans member of Congress.
The first female graduate of The Citadel, Nancy is also a rape survivor who’s used her story as a political prop, yet calls out anyone who asks her about it, saying they’re “rape-shaming” her.
My questions don’t do that, but she ignores them anyway. I just want to know why a rape survivor would be so gung-ho (emphasis on HO) to support Donald Trump.
Since she never answers my questions on Twitter and it’s my job to write the truth about politics, I’ve called her office multiple times for different reasons. Sometimes it goes straight to her voicemail, where her cheerful greeting belies her hate agenda: “Hey! This is Nancy Mace, proudly serving the Low Country!” Well, she’s low, that’s for sure. Sometimes I get a human, though. Two different young guys answer her phone, and one is slightly nicer than the other.
On Friday, February 28th, I got the nicer one when I called to ask why Nancy hadn’t spoken out about the Tates. He stammered at my question, which was, “As a rape survivor, why does Nancy Mace remain silent about adjudicated rapist Donald Trump giving safe harbor to international sex trafficking rapists Andrew and Tristan Tate?” I like getting as much truthful information out all at once, because I know ahead of time that I’ll probably get hung up on. He gave me the pat answer, which was, “I can’t speak on behalf of the Congresswoman, but a statement should be released soon.” He couldn’t tell me when, so I said I’d look for it.
Guess what? It never materialized, even after I made follow-up calls. Shocking, I know. So I took it to the next level and emailed Nancy’s Comms Director, Gabrielle Lipsky, who’s another MAGA Mean Girl bully I’ve tussled with before. I’m well-versed in MAGA bullying tactics, and none of them work on me, so I usually end up with the last word after frustrating the shit out of whoever’s trying it with me.
Here’s the first email I sent on March 4th, which was last Tuesday.
Yes, that’s how I roll. It’s usually attention-getting, but my email went unanswered. Sometimes no answer IS your answer, and Gabrielle’s non-answer told me that Nancy Mace was employing the Ostrich Approach to Trump’s enabling.
But since I don’t live with my head in the sand, I tried again yesterday and called the office again. This time I got the meaner guy who’s been studying MAGA Bullying 101 and went the Trump route of insulting the questioner instead of holding anyone accountable. It went like this:
ME: As a rape survivor, why does Nancy Mace remain silent about adjudicated rapist Donald Trump giving safe harbor to international sex trafficking rapists Andrew and Tristan Tate? She can’t call Trump a protector of women when he gives rapists a safe space in Florida.
HIM: Congresswoman Mace isn’t obligated to comment or answer any questions.
ME: Except she is, because she claims to be a protector of women like Trump, but she doesn’t protect anyone except Trump. *repeats original question verbatim*
HIM: You’re a very unpleasant person.
ME: I don’t care what you think, it’s my job to write about politics and I’m going to keep asking these questions.
HIM: Congresswoman Mace isn’t obligated to comment or answer any questions from some random person calling her office.
ME: I’m not a random person—
HIM: You’re a random person.
ME: No, I’m a member of the independent media—
HIM: You’re a random person.
ME: No, it’s my job to write about your boss—
HIM: What’s your name, again?
ME: Tara Dublin.
HIM: Can you spell it?
ME (knowing he’s stalling): T like Tom, A-R-A, Dublin like the capital of Ireland.
HIM: And what’s your zip code?
ME: *gives him Oregon zip code knowing what he’ll say next*
HIM: You don’t live in South Carolina, so your opinions don’t matter.
ME: It doesn’t matter where I live, it’s my job to write about politics. And it’s not an opinion that the Tates are sex trafficking rapists, so why does Nancy give them a pass?
HIM: Congresswoman Mace isn’t obligated to comment or answer any questions from some random person from Oregon.
ME: Well, great, I’ll put that in my article since you’ve been so helpful. What’s your name so I can credit you?
HIM: My name is Tara Dublin, T like Tom, A-R-A, Dublin like the capital of Ireland.
ME: Oh, how mature, because that’s my name. What’s your real name?
HIM: My name is Tara Dublin, T like—
ME: Hilarious, Captain Maturity. Your name is Nancy Mace’s little bitch now.
And then I hung up on him for a change.
After that junior high moment, I emailed Gabrielle again by forwarding my original email from March 4th.
I also used those screenshots in a reply to Nancy on Twitter.
And it worked! Nancy didn’t reply, but Gabrielle did. Like, five minutes later. I AM POWERFUL
I mean, that’s just textbook MAGA dodging. Here was a chance for her to share a statement, but she moved the goalposts like a typical bully. Which doesn’t work on me.
And that’s how it ended, my fellow Sexy Liberal Political Voices. When you have the truth on your side, you always win. No answer to that was my answer.
So my takeaway is that MAGA Mean Girl Nancy Mace is fine with rape, pass it on everywhere. TARA: 234589726323583694, MAGA: 0
We’ll be talking about this and more on tomorrow’s LIVE episode of THE TARA SHOW! Join us at 2 pm/11 am where the chat is always super lit! We also have some exciting show news to share, so I hope you’ll join the conversation!