In the opening of tonight’s show, Rick ends the segment with a few words on politics and politicians. Politicians have always been celebrities in some way, but the rise of Trumpism has elevated that celebrity status to cult worship, which is not something Americans typically embrace. We need to get back to treating our politics like we used to, as a means to get what all Americans need. And the evils of Trumpism have convinced many of us to look for saviors instead of seeing politicians for what they are … tools. Our tools, to be used how We the People see fit. Here’s more from Rick:
RICK: And it's going to take us - and this is where I want to leave this - because I've had this conversation too many times recently. Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, none of these people are saviors. And I've said this about politicians in the past.
They're tools.
None of them are heroes. None of them are saviors. They're tools to get what we the people need. And for far too long, we the people haven't been getting the things that we need from our government.
We need good schools, safe neighborhoods, good jobs, safe jobs, the kind of jobs that you can raise a family on with healthcare and retirement security.
We need an infrastructure in this country that shares the wealth in a way that it's broadly shared. We need the kind of prosperity we had decades ago. And that only happens through government action, which is why you're seeing the richest man in the world spending enormous sums to take over our government.
You know, my grandfather always used to say, “If a rich guy takes a buck out of his pocket to tell you you don't need something, you better spend two to get it. Because he understands return on investment.”
Elon Musk spent $250 million. We don't have any idea what his return on investment has been so far or what it's going to be. But I'll tell you, he's going to get it. And then when they're done, there's no one to hold them accountable. There's no one to restrain their greed, their savagery, their hatred of working people.
You know, I've said before that I believe that the Musks of the world, the right-wing intelligentsia, they believe that, we don't need workers anymore. We're going to automate. AI has taken over everything, which is why I do think that Musk is so deep into this, the collection of data to be able to create his super brain.
But when they get past, when they're post-human, What happens to the working people of this country, of this planet?
I've had people tell me a civil war is coming. And I said, probably, but just not the kind you think. It's not going to be white or black. It's not going to be red hat or blue hat. It's going to be the Jay Gould “I can pay half the working class to murder the other half.”
It doesn't change. 100 years doesn't change.
I want to hear your thoughts. Email me,
I'm going to take a quick break right back after this.
Stick around.
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