
Republicans Cheer Cuts—Until They're Affected

Leopards have come for the faces of Trump-voters in Alabama

Republican voters possess a toxic combination of pathological selfishness and profound lack of self-awareness. They claim to hate government—until it’s taken away and they realize all the ways government serves them. Like the protagonist in children’s nursery rhyme “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” Republican voters believe that the size of government is "just right," only when it benefits them. Blinded by their propaganda-manufactured, hate-colored glasses, it’s “government benefits for me, not for thee” as they vote again and again for the Republican party candidates and policies making their lives worse.

In this video, Tara Devlin from Tarabuster breaks down another example of Republicans of believing their allegiance to the convicted felon con man would spare them them the consequences of his unconstitutional executive orders cutting federal spending. In this instance, Alabama is losing grants and subsidies that now have poor recipients owing the the government and many will lose their jobs at the University of Alabama due to across the board cuts in research.

Hey! The unelected South African billionaire sociopath needs that money!

Check out the articles, here:

From Al.com

Reddit - Leopards eating my face
From The New York Times:

Join Tara as she breaks down Republican hypocrisy.

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